Hi, I'm Adrian

I'm a


  1. 2024Software Engineer Intern at Grid DynamicsPresent

    Software Engineer Intern specialised on UI, more details coming soon

  1. 2023Part of leading team in LSE IT DepartementOctober 2024

    Since April, I have joined the leading team of the IT departement. Here, along with the team, i am creating and maintaining all the websites belonging to the organisation. You can find these projects down below.

  1. 2022Volunteer at LSEPresent

    Voluntering at ELECTRONICS STUDENTS LEAGUE (LIGA STUDENȚILOR ELECTRONIȘTI - LSE), which is the student organization of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology that ensures and represents the interests of students, both on the social-administrative issue and on the academic issue.

  1. 2022Student at UPB-ETTIPresent

    Studying Computer Science at University of Politehnica Bucuresti at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Fullstack projects

Frontend projects

Backend projects

Machine Learning projects

GameDev projects

Download my resume


@Boșcănici Adrian - 2023